09 September 2009

Four Pillars of Confidence in Worship Ministry

4 pillars u should know

Many worship ministers, even those who have served for some time in the worship ministry, feel unsure about their effectiveness in serving the people of God. This often causes them to either be defensive when feedback is given to them, or easily taken in by the latest fads in worship ministry, any thing that promises to quiet the nagging sense of insecurity and inadequacy within their hearts.

All that is needless pain. There are four necessary pillars for confidence in worship ministry. Make sure these pillars are in place in your own life and in the lives of the other people in your church worship ministry, and the confidence and boldness will naturally follow.

1) Know that God welcomes his people to approach him in worship.

Many believers still live as if their sins are not forgiven through the work of Jesus on the cross. They feel unsure about the worship ministry because they doubt that God has truly accepted them in Christ and that they have freedom to approach God in prayer and worship anytime.

If you are one of them, I strongly urge you to meditate on the forgiveness of God revealed in the Bible. The first two chapters of Ephesians are really helpful, and so is the entire book of Hebrews because it talks about the confidence we can have because Jesus is the great high priest.

2) Understand the craft of worship ministry.

Leading worship is not the church equivalent of a lead singer, it is so much more. Worship music is not just any style of contemporary music that the church people like. It is a genre of music by itself, with it's own rules, guidelines and principles.

Seek training and teaching on these principles and ideas. It is unreasonable to expect anyone to serve confidently in the worship ministry unless they truly understand the craft of worship ministry. And if they don't understand the craft, they will often blame the congregation for not responding to their worship ministry efforts, rather than consider if they not been doing things in the most effective way.

3) See the work of God in that particular congregation.

Many people subconsciously try to fit their congregation into the mold created by 'worship' albums and CDs. They see those CDs as a genuine reflection of what worship is supposed to be like, rather than an artificially contrived event organized for the sake of producing a recording. And then they get frustrated if their church worship does not match up.

If you are struggling with the wrong expectations created by those 'worship' albums, realize this: God has his own purpose and plan for your church and it will be expressed in the worship. If you are a worship leader for your church or small group, you will discover this purpose as you pay attention to the songs that the people respond well to during a particular season.

Once you have discerned the purpose of the season, it becomes so much easier to choose the right songs that minister to the congregation at that point of time. And when you see the results and understand it comes from discerning God's specific purpose for your group, confidence will naturally follow.

4) See the work of God in your own personal life.

Many people in the worship ministry secretly wonder if they are the right people for the ministry. It is easy to forget that God has began a good work in us, one he fully intends to carry on to completion (Phil 1:6) and that he works out ALL things for our good (Romans 8:28).

When you can see the work of God in your own personal life, it becomes easy to trust that God has orchestrated events to put you in the worship ministry because in God's eyes you are the best suited for that role. And, like the other necessary pillars of confidence, will enhance your confidence in serving in the worship ministry.

Conclusion: if you are serving in the worship ministry, these four pillars give you a structure and direction for your attention and efforts. And if you are in a position of leadership, put in effort to build these four pillars of confidence in the lives of the other people serving in the worship ministry as well. Serve our Lord with confidence!

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